Hire for any scope

Find the right competences to help solve a specific challenge. The freelancer joins your team until the job is done.

Boost your team with freelance competences for a short but effective period of time.

Find a semi-permanent addition to your team who will work more extensively on your challenge and help get things moving.
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Post a job for free and get five
screened candidates in 48 hours.
It’s only 5 minutes away - no cure, no pay
How it works
Fill in a detailed description of the task at hand and the qualifications needed to solve it. You also define the type of contract and remuneration.
Our Free Agents™ platform matches your job with relevant candidates, we qualify and check for availability, and you get to choose between the five best. No cure, no pay.
The freelancer starts working on the assigned task, and you will only hear from us when we check in to make sure everything runs smoothly.
You pay at the initation of a project and in the beginning of every following month, and we make sure the freelancer is remunerated according to their actual work. Alignments will be handled afterwards.
How it works
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